Feb 18, 2025
College Catalog 2024 - 2025
Physics Concentration, A.A.
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This concentration prepares students to transfer to four-year colleges or universities to seek bachelors’ degrees in physical science or physics. After transferring, students study to become more proficient in one or more of the divisions of the physical sciences; e.g., theoretical physics, particle physics, astrophysics, biophysics, or applied physics. Graduates of the concentration may qualify to transfer using benefits of MassTransfer to one of the Massachusetts State Universities or the University of Massachusetts. For current information on eligible programs, see Transfer Options below.
* Milestone Courses should be taken in the order shown. This will help you stay on track and graduate on time.
Total Credits: 13-14
Semester 1 Advising Note - Students enrolling in this degree program can earn World Studies Emphasis certification simultaneously
- General Education Requirements Quantitative Problem Solving and Scientific Reasoning satisfied by Program.
- This map assumes a student enters the College ready to enroll in MAT 281 .
Total Credits: 18
Semester 2 Advising Note - Students with strong math background may want to start the Physics sequence during Semester 1.
- Meet with an advisor to begin career planning activities.
- Begin exploring transfer options: attend a transfer workshop and the College transfer fair
Total Credits: 18
Semester 3 Advising Note - Student may want to discuss elective selection with Physics advisor.
- Continue preparations for transfer: write essays for transfer institution, collect letters of recommendation, apply for transfer.
- Complete a pre-graduation check with advisor.
Total Credits: 17
Semester 4 Advising Note Upon Completion of This Concentration Graduates Will Be Able To:
- Demonstrate the connections between the major concepts and theories in the field of physics.
- Analyze and create solutions for problems involving principles of physics.
- Apply mathematical techniques in scientific problem solving.
- Properly report on the findings of a designed experiment.
Career Outlook
Graduates of this concentration should transfer to a four-year college or university because employment opportunities in physical science such as lab technicians usually require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Professional positions such as researchers or college instructors usually require a minimum of a master’s degree. Transfer Options - Bridgewater State University
- Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
- Westfield State University
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
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