Feb 03, 2025
College Catalog 2024 - 2025
General Education Program
College Writing & Composition
- INQUIRE: Connect experiences, insights, and education
- COMMUNICATE: Construct meaning through active listening, reading, speaking and writing
- ACT: Create work of personal and/or public value
- GROW: Develop intercultural knowledge and competence
College Writing & Composition
- INQUIRE: Practice information literacy in diverse applications
- COMMUNICATE: Express ideas with intention
- ACT: Apply theory to practice and practice to theory
- GROW: Demonstrate agency as a learner and contributor to society
Quantitative Problem Solving
Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning
- INQUIRE: Develop problem-solving skills
- COMMUNICATE: Demonstrate digital and media literacy
- ACT: Apply theory to practice and practice to theory
- GROW: Construct knowledge independently and collaboratively
Community & Cultural Contexts
Behavioral & Social Sciences
- INQUIRE: Connect experiences, insights and education
- COMMUNICATE: Engage in inclusive interpersonal dialogue
- ACT: Apply concepts of justice and wellness to knowledge and practice
- GROW: Demonstrate agency as a learner and contributor to society
Natural & Physical Sciences
- INQUIRE: Develop problem-solving skills
- COMMUNICATE: Demonstrate digital and media literacy
- ACT: Use data to pose solutions to real-world challenges
- GROW: Construct knowledge independently and collaboratively
Humanities & Fine Arts
- INQUIRE: Define and investigate relevant questions
- COMMUNICATE: Express ideas with intention
- ACT: Create work of personal and/or public value
- GROW: Demonstrate resilience in response to change
General Education Elective
Behavioral & Social Sciences OR Humanities & Fine Arts OR Natural & Physical Sciences
Courses listed in the General Education Elective category have aligned with one outcome for each Outcome area (Inquire, Community, Act and Grow).