Jan 19, 2025  
College Catalog 2024 - 2025 
College Catalog 2024 - 2025

Advising and Lifemap



Bunker Hill Community College is committed to supporting students in achieving their educational, career and life goals. LifeMap re-imagines the student experience by enabling students to develop an individualized pathway (plan) for goal completion. In partnership with faculty and staff, students use LifeMap tools to create educational, transfer or career plans, connect with support services, participate in social networking and reflect on their learning. By centralizing resources and enlisting faculty and staff in their use in and beyond the classroom, LifeMap enables students to make informed decisions and become more self-sufficient while they create a personalized plan for realizing their goals

In addition to the LifeMap related activities students participate in within the classroom, the LifeMap Commons serves as a central location on campus to support students throughout their journey with academic, career and transfer advising and referrals to other college support services. Learn more at bhcc.edu/lifemap.

Advising: Academic, Career and Transfer

Academic Advising

Embracing the diversity of its college community, Bunker Hill Community College recognizes the individual needs of its students. Our academic, career and transfer advisors are dedicated to providing continuous service to strengthen, nurture, empower and assist students with making sound and responsible decisions throughout their educational career at the College.

Academic, career and transfer advising and resources are available for all BHCC students in a variety of formats that include individualized advising, group advising, workshops, online advising as well as online resources and assessments.

Advising & LifeMap staff assist students with choosing or changing a major, building an academic schedule, developing an educational plan for degree completion, planning for transfer, utilizing online resources, understanding campus policies and procedures and referring students to additional support services or resources. Information about group advising sessions and student-focused workshops is on the events calendar on the BHCC website and goes out by email to students throughout the year; students should check their BHCC email daily. For more information, please visit the LifeMap Commons or bhcc.edu/studentlife/advising.

Academic Services

Academic advisors are available for all currently accepted certificate and degree-seeking students at BHCC.

New students receive an advisor assignment after the start of their first semester. The advisor assignment depends on class enrollment and program of study (major). :

  • Faculty Advisor
  • Staff Advisor
  • an Academic Department, or
  • Advising & LifeMap Department.

The name of the assigned advisor or department is on the Advising tab on the Plan & Schedule section of BHCCselfservice.


All registered students have an online services account known as BHCCselfservice, at selfservice.bhcc.edu. This account allows students to print a current course schedule or unofficial transcript, view placement test results and grades, search for course availability, access financial aid and student payment information, register for or drop courses (during the posted registration and add/drop periods), pay for courses, create a payment plan and waive health insurance. The My Progress features allow students to determine what courses are needed for program completion and use the course catalog to make informed decisions about course selection. In addition, the Plan & Schedule feature allows students to create a plan for completing program requirements and even register from that plan. Students requiring assistance can visit the LifeMap Commons.

Career Advising


Career Advisors help prospective, new and continuing student with aligning their career goals with their program of study. When deciding on their program of study, a career advisor will help students in exploring and focusing their career options and can show how the program at Bunker Hill Community College can lead to achieving career goals.

Students have access to career assessments through Career Coach and MassHire CIS. Taking these assessments will help clarify interests, skills and values and the results will suggest career areas for exploration. After taking career assessments, students should discuss their results with a career advisor. During the advising appointment, students can learn how to research day-to-day duties in their chosen field, what skills or training will be necessary for the career, and future employment trends.

Career Coach bhcc.emsicc.com Students can use Career Coach to match careers of interest with Bunker Hill Community College specific Programs of Study, complete self-assessments, and build their knowledge of career skills, common work activities, and level of education required related to their career of interest.

Massachusetts Career Information System (MASSCIS) The MassHire Career Information System, or MassHire CIS, is a free online career resource through the State of Massachusetts. Students can use MassHire CIS to find employment data, learn about average wages, watch videos about daily responsibilities, and more! Students can also use MassHire CIS to complete self-assessments and learn about which Massachusetts colleges and universities offer educational programs that match their career interests.

Transfer Services


Transfer Services assists new, current and graduating BHCC students with the transfer process and transfer opportunities to and from the college.

Transfer In

Students who have attended another college may apply for transfer credit and advanced standing at Bunker Hill Community College. Official transcripts from all previous colleges should be sent directly to the Academic Records Office at the time the student applies to BHCC. Once the student is accepted and becomes a matriculated (or degree-seeking) student, college transcripts will be evaluated.

Transfer Credit may be awarded if:

  • the courses are comparable to those offered at BHCC;
  • a grade of C or better is earned from a regionally accredited college or university (programs requiring a C+ or higher are noted on the program curriculum sheet located in the BHCC College Catalog);
  • computer courses are not more than five years old;
  • Anatomy and Physiology I and II courses are not more than 10 years old for some selective health program applications.

You can use a maximum of 45 transfer credits toward the BHCC associate degree and a maximum of 75 percent of the total number of credits required for certificate programs.

Once an official transcript has been evaluated and you have registered for classes, transferred in courses will appear on your BHCC transcript with a letter grade of TR. TR grades are not counted in your BHCC GPA (Grade Point Average) and are not used to calculate your completion rate. BHCC uses both completion rates and GPA to calculate your academic standing at the College.

Credits earned at colleges that follow a quarter system will be converted to semester-hour equivalents resulting in an adjustment in the number of credits transferred.

Transfer Appeal Process

If you disagree with the transfer credit award decision, request a meeting with a Transfer Counselor by emailing transferservices@bhcc.edu. The purpose of this meeting is to give you an opportunity to present evidence such as course descriptions and syllabi to demonstrate that the course(s) in question are either the equivalent or comparable and meet the criteria listed above. The Transfer Counselor will contact relevant Faculty, Department Chair and or the Academic Dean to review course documentation as needed. If the matter is not resolved with the Transfer Counselor, you can appeal in writing to the appropriate Associate Provost of Academic Affairs requesting that the Associate Provost review the materials and findings. The decision of the Associate Provost is final.

Transfer Out

Transfer advisors provide students with an overview of the transfer planning process and assistance with completing applications to other colleges.

Transfer Fairs

Each semester BHCC hosts Admissions representatives from over 40 colleges and universities. This is your opportunity to collect information and ask questions from a number of colleges all in one place.


Transfer Services offers workshops on transfer related topics for BHCC students planning to apply to four-year colleges. A transfer advisor facilitates each session and students will have opportunities to ask questions. Upon registering for a workshop, students will receive an email with a web-link to access and participate during the workshop’s designated time and date. Students may use a computer device with a microphone and internet access or dial in by phone. It is necessary that students with 30 credits or less attend a Transfer 101 Workshop prior to meeting with a transfer counselor.

Virtual College Visits

Virtual college visits are events that allow Bunker Hill students to meet with transfer admission representatives from bachelor degree granting institutions. During these one-hour sessions, students learn about each institution’s academic programs, student engagement opportunities, and the process for applying and transferring to these institutions. Students also have the opportunity to ask their own questions.

Visit bhcc.edu/transfer for upcoming workshops and college visits and additional information

Transfer Partnerships

Bunker Hill is dedicated to developing partnerships with colleges, universities and community-based organizations. Transfer Services offers information sessions, workshops, and individual transfer advising appointments to support students in achieving their academic goals.

Transfer Articulation Agreements

Students complete an Associate’s degree at BHCC, meet all eligibility and admissions requirements, and receive guaranteed admissions into the specified major. All eligible BHCC credits transfer toward the specific Bachelor’s degree

For a list of current agreements, please visit https://www.bhcc.edu/admissions/transferpartnerships/articulationagreements/


MassTransfer is a collaboration between the Commonwealth’s community colleges, state universities and the University of Massachusetts. System-wide resources and policies allow for students to transfer seamlessly, stay on track and minimize the time it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree.

General Education Foundation. MassTransfer provides any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system who completes the General Education Foundation with the benefit of satisfying the general education/distribution/core requirements at any other public higher education institution (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits or two courses). Visit mass.edu/masstransfer/gened/home.asp to learn more about the MassTransfer Gen Ed Foundation. In addition, please visit bhcc.edu/programsofstudy/generaleducationrequirements for Bunker Hill Community College’s General Education requirements.

A2B (Associate to Bachelor’s). Beginning your college career at a community college is a smart choice. MassTransfer seeks to reward community college students who complete associate degrees at Massachusetts community colleges before they enroll in mapped or linked bachelor’s programs at Massachusetts state universities or University of Massachusetts campuses. Not only does MassTransfer guarantee full transfer of a minimum of 60 credits but, depending on their final GPA and/or prerequisite coursework, students who complete A2B programs may also receive guaranteed admission and tuition discounts. Visit mass.edu/masstransfer/a2b/home.asp

Commonwealth Commitment. A2B Degree students who attend full-time and earn a 3.00 GPA or higher also have the opportunity to participate in the Commonwealth Commitment. The Commonwealth Commitment (available in “A2B Mapped” programs only) further rewards students with a freeze on tuition and fees for all four years, and 10% end-of-semester rebates. For more information including a complete list of pathway programs and qualifications for eligibility please visit bhcc.edu/commonwealthcommitment or speak with a Transfer
Counselor in the LifeMap Commons.

Transfer and Articulation Information for Baccalaureate Programs

Bunker Hill Community College is dedicated to creating partnerships with four-year colleges and universities. Articulation agreements outline the transfer pathway between academic programs at BHCC and other institutions. Articulation agreements are designed to help students make a smooth transition when transferring from BHCC to another institution by ensuring that they understand if and how coursework taken at BHCC will transfer into other programs.

Transfer Services offers a variety of services to students interested in transferring from BHCC to four-year institutions. Students are encouraged to plan early and research and meet with transfer admissions representatives from the four-year institutions to properly assess each college or university’s requirements, minimums and expectations, which will help make the best curriculum choices at BHCC.

For a list of current articulation agreements please visit bhcc.edu/admissions/articulationagreements.

Placement Testing and Assessment

Assessment Center

Charlestown Campus: 617-228-2377
Chelsea Campus: 617-228-2101

College Placement:

New students may be required to take English and math assessments before registering for classes.

Students can also obtain placements using high school GPA, or scores from SAT, ACT, GED, HiSET, and other tests.

For complete information on all placement options, or to make an appointment for testing, please visit www.bhcc.edu/assessment.

CLEP: CLEP exams allow students to save time and money by earning credit for what they already know. CLEP testing is available on the Charlestown campus. For complete information visit https://www.bhcc.edu/clepexams/.

TEAS: Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is required for admission to BHCC’s Nursing Program and many of the Allied Health programs. For complete information visit https://www.bhcc.edu/assessment/atiteasexam/

HiSET: The HiSET exam is available at BHCC for those who need to earn a Massachusetts high school equivalency credential. For complete information please visit: https://www.bhcc.edu/assessment/highschoolequivalencytestinghisetandged/

Internships and Career Development


BHCC offers a variety of internship opportunities for students. Find out more at bhcc.edu/internships.

Learn and Earn Internships provide students with paid opportunities in top corporations, small businesses, nonprofits and cultural and civic organizations. In addition to working in the field, students take a class that supports their career development and success in their internships.

Academic Internships are those that are required to complete a program of study. These can be paid or unpaid and help students gain relevant experience in their field of study. In addition to working in the field, students take a class that supports their career development and success in their internships.

Research Internships give students in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math (STEM) fields the opportunity to conduct research with top researchers at other colleges and research institutions. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) are paid opportunities that often happen over the summer and students receive room and board in addition to their stipend.

Career Internships are opportunities students pursue in order to gain more experience in the field. These may be paid or unpaid opportunities. Students who participate in career internships do not take a class, and therefore do not receive academic credit for their internship.

Career Development

BHCC offers all students access to job postings from employers interested in hiring BHCC students and graduates. Students should log in to Handshake at bhcc.edu/internships to view available positions.

In addition to the online system, BHCC hosts employers for career fairs, recruiting events, and other events in order to connect employers with BHCC students and graduates.


Handshake is BHCC’s exclusive online career portal where students and alumni can search and apply for jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities, as well as manage the full spectrum of their career search needs. Students and alumni can use Handshake to register for career events and workshops, access our library of workshop materials and sample resumes, easily create resumes, upload cover letters and portfolio documents, search and apply for positions, and sign-up for job or event alerts. Visit bhcc.edu/internships to complete your profile.