Feb 17, 2025
College Catalog 2024 - 2025
Elective Courses
Electives provide students with flexibility in their programs of study. The elective categories help students make choices beyond the required courses for their respective programs.
Liberal Arts Electives include not only those categorized as Liberal Arts Electives but also the Science/Lab Science, Social Science and Behavioral Science Electives.
Career Electives are courses in the student’s major field or related field approved by the department chair or program coordinator.
Behavioral Science Electives
- PSY Psychology
- SOC Sociology
Humanities Electives
The Humanities provide students with the knowledge, skills and habits of mind to adapt to any pathway in their educations, careers and lives. Humanities courses challenge students to think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, and make connections across disciplines. The following courses count as Humanities electives:
- ARB Arabic
- CHN Mandarin Chinese
- FRE French
- GER German
- ITL Italian
- JPN Japanese
- POR Portuguese
- RUS Russian
- SPN Spanish
- COM Communication
- ELL English Language Learning
- 200-Level ENG English
- HON Honors
- HUM Humanities
- INT Interdisciplinary
- LIT Literature
- MUS Music
- THR Theatre
- VMA Visual and Media Arts (except VMA-111 Introduction to Mass Media )
Lab Science Electives
- AST Astronomy
- BIO Biology (except BIO-111 Food/Nutrition )
- CHM Chemistry
- ENV Environmental Science
- PHY Physics
Liberal Arts Electives
- ARB Arabic
- CHN Mandarin Chinese
- FRE French
- GER German
- ITL Italian
- JPN Japanese
- POR Portuguese
- RUS Russian
- SPN Spanish
- COM Communication
- ELL English Language Learning
- ENG English
- HIS History
- HON Honors
- INT Interdisciplinary
- LIT Literature
- MAT Mathematics
- MUS Music
- PHL Philosophy
- PSC Political Science
- REL Religious Studies
- THR Theatre
- VMA Visual and Media Arts
Social Science Electives