Feb 18, 2025
College Catalog 2024 - 2025
Criminal Justice Career Option, A.S.
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The mission of the Criminal Justice Program is to prepare students for employment in various criminal justice related areas and/or for pursuit of Baccalaureate Degrees in criminal justice or other related fields of study by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge and practices of the field.
* Milestone Courses should be taken in the order shown. This will help you stay on track and graduate on time.
Total Credits: 15
Semester 1 Advising Note - New degree-seeking students enrolled in 9 credits or more must take a Learning Community Seminar or a Learning Community Cluster within their first year.
Total Credits: 15-16
Semester 2 Advising Note - Begin exploring transfer options: attend a transfer workshop and the College transfer fair.
- Meet with an advisor to begin career planning activities.
Total Credits: 16
Semester 3 Advising Note Semester 4
- CRJ-275 Criminal Justice Capstone Credits: 3
- Elective- Career Elective Credits: 3
Choose from any non-required CRJ course - Elective- Career Elective Credits: 3
Choose from any non-required CRJ course - Elective- Career Elective Credits: 3
Choose from any non-required CRJ course - Elective - Open Elective Credits: 3
Recommended electives include Communication, Political Science, Computer, or Foreign Language courses.
Total Credits: 15
Semester 4 Advising Note Upon Completion of This Concentration Graduates Will Be Able To:
- Demonstrate knowledge, defend and critique the structure of the criminal justice system.
- Identify, demonstrate and evaluate knowledge of corrections, including its purpose and function.
- Explain the history and critique major theories of why crime is committed with a focus on criminal behavior.
- Identify and demonstrate knowledge of Courts including its purpose and function, be able to accurately discuss and relate criminal law and procedure and its constitutional basis.
- Identify and demonstrate knowledge of policing including its purpose and function, describe and assess the general responsibilities of the criminal justice professional including the professional’s responsibilities and governing ethics.
- Articulate and critique the role of data and research in the development of criminal justice and policy.
Career Outlook
Graduates that complete the Transfer Option can transfer to four-year colleges and universities to seek a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field. Graduates who complete the Law Enforcement or Corrections Tracks qualify for entry level positions in law enforcement, corrections or security at local, state, regional and federal agencies. |
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