Mar 29, 2025  
College Catalog 2025 - 2026 
College Catalog 2025 - 2026

Equity and Inclusion

Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth (CECW)

BHCC’s Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth draws on the College’s nationally recognized work to design culturally inclusive learning environments that value the strengths of our diverse students, faculty, staff and local communities. The Center engages the campus in culturally relevant scholarship, practice and advocacy focused on achieving equitable outcomes for all students. Through a multifaceted and intersectional campus-wide conversation, the Center explores the ways in which meaningful community partnerships, equity-minded practices and culturally grounded pedagogies can be enacted to foster the success of all students and members of the College community. Learn more at

Halting Oppressive Pathways through Education (HOPE)

The HOPE initiative is designed to examine and eliminate the social, institutional and academic barriers that often prevent males of color from achieving their full potential at BHCC and beyond. This Asset-Based, Student-Centered initiative is run by a group of faculty, staff, and students who are focused on three main areas: qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and dissemination; assessing and addressing gaps in College programs and services; and affinity-based mentoring. Learn more at

Undocumented Students

Bunker Hill Community College welcomes applications from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and undocumented students. While Undocumented and DACA students are not eligible for state or federal financial aid, they are eligible to apply for institutional scholarships. DACA students are eligible for in-state tuition and fees. Learn more at

The Mary L. Fifield Art Gallery

The Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery provides the College and the local community opportunities to view high caliber art exhibitions, exposure to diverse ideas and artistic media and access to forums with emerging and established Boston-based artists. Through its scheduled programming, the Gallery offers an innovative backdrop to teaching and learning.

Statement on Inclusion

The Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees endorsed and approved for adoption on June 9, 1997, the American Association of Community Colleges Statement on Inclusion as follows:

Bunker Hill Community College strongly endorses the continued use of admissions policies and employment practices that promote broad diversity in the community college system. The College will be free to pursue standards and policies that allow it to fulfill its diversity mission and vision. The students who are educated will help provide tomorrow’s leaders, and their college experience will demonstrate the richness and substance of our diverse, multicultural, and global environment. The College environment will promote understanding and appreciation of others, while encouraging students to grow as individuals.

Bunker Hill Community College reaffirms its commitment to diversity. In accord with this philosophy, the College will evaluate its hiring, admissions, and financial aid policies to ensure diversity and equal access within the institution. The College will ensure that the results of these evaluations conform to the concept of open access - the cornerstone of the College’s mission.

Bunker Hill Community College believes that diversity in education is crucial to a democratic society. Community colleges are, in effect, microcosms of our greater society.

As such, Bunker Hill Community College will encourage and enhance the fullest understanding of human rights and responsibilities and will teach the skills that allow its students to effectively participate in a democratic society. The College will be responsible for shaping an environment that mirrors the general culture and creates opportunities for all within the college community to interact with understanding, tolerance, and respect for others. In this way, diversity in education not only serves as a model for the world at large, but it also perpetuates social harmony for the future.

BHCC Statement on Civility

Bunker Hill Community College believes that civility in the workplace and classroom is everyone’s right and responsibility. This statement is consistent with the Student Handbook, all collective bargaining agreements and the College’s personnel policies. We understand “civility” to mean respectful language and behavior toward everyone at all times, regardless of the circumstances. These qualities are intrinsic to excellence in teaching and learning, and contribute to the maintenance of a productive workplace and an overall positive campus climate.

Further, we affirm our commitment to behavior that is courteous and respectful in all interactions with members of the BHCC community as well as with members of the larger communities we serve.