Mar 29, 2025  
College Catalog 2025 - 2026 
College Catalog 2025 - 2026

Mission, Vision, and Values

Three separate but cohesive mission statements guide Bunker Hill Community College. The first is a comprehensive, system-wide mission statement for Public Higher Education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The second is a mission statement of general characteristics common to all Massachusetts community colleges. The third mission statement contains the specialized and focused component that identifies Bunker Hill Community College’s distinctive characteristics and priorities.

Mission of the Massachusetts of Public Higher Education

Massachusetts Public Higher Education is a system with a distinguished past, increasing and measurable accomplishments, and dedicated to being recognized as having one of the nation’s most outstanding array of institutions. It comprises 15 community colleges, nine state colleges, and five campuses of the University of Massachusetts. The system exists to provide accessible, affordable, relevant, and rigorous programs that adapt to meet changing individual and societal needs for education and employment. The public system is committed to continuous improvement and accountability in all aspects of teaching and learning. The Board of Higher Education, together with each respective Board of Trustees, expects all students, faculty, and staff to be held to exacting standards in the performance of their roles and responsibilities.

Mission of the Massachusetts Community Colleges

The fifteen Massachusetts Community Colleges offer open access to high quality, affordable academic programs, including associate degree and certificate programs. They are committed to excellence in teaching and learning and provide academic preparation for transfer to four-year institutions, career preparation for entry into high-demand occupational fields, developmental coursework, and lifelong learning opportunities.

Community colleges have a special responsibility for workforce development and through partnerships with business and industry, provide job training, retraining, certification, and skills improvement. In addition, they assume primary responsibility, in the public system, for offering developmental courses, programs, and other educational services for individuals who seek to develop the skills needed to pursue college-level study or enter the workforce.

Rooted in their communities, the colleges serve as community leaders, identifying opportunities and solutions to community problems and contributing to the region’s intellectual, cultural, and economic development. They collaborate with elementary and secondary education and work to ensure a smooth transition from secondary to postsecondary education.

Through partnerships with baccalaureate institutions, they help to promote an efficient system of public higher education.

The community colleges offer an environment where the ideas and contributions of all students are respected. Academic and personal support services are provided to ensure that all students have an opportunity to achieve academic and career success. No eligible student shall be deprived of the opportunity for a community college education in Massachusetts because of an inability to pay tuition and fees.

Mission of Bunker Hill Community College

Bunker Hill Community College serves as an educational and economic asset for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by offering associate degrees and certificate programs that prepare students for further education and fulfilling careers. Our students reflect our diverse local and global community, and the College integrates the strengths of many cultures, age groups, lifestyles and learning styles into the life of the institution. The College provides inclusive and affordable access to higher education, supports the success of all students and forges vibrant partnerships and pathways with educational institutions, community organizations and local businesses and industries.

Vision of Bunker Hill Community College

Bunker Hill Community College empowers and inspires students, faculty and staff diverse in identities, experiences and ideas to make meaningful contributions to our local and global communities. The College embodies a spirit of inquiry, critical thought, inclusive excellence and lifelong learning.

Institutional Values

Bunker Hill Community College Trustees, Faculty, Staff and Students embody the highest academic and institutional integrity through their commitment to:

  • Access and Success
  • Excellence and Innovation
  • Economic and Social Justice
  • Inclusiveness and Equity
  • Civic Engagement and Service
  • Kindness and Respect
  • Accountability and Transparency

The Vision, Mission and Values statements were approved by Board of Trustees, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and Massachusetts Secretary of Education, October 2014.

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

BHCC is a learning institution, and we enact our mission, vision and values individually and collectively through a set of Institutional Learning Outcomes.

INQUIRE with intention

  • Reflect and think critically
  • Explore and define compelling questions
  • Locate and integrate information from diverse contexts
  • Think creatively
  • Synthesize findings

COMMUNICATE with purpose

  • Listen actively
  • Express ideas and arguments with intention
  • Consider audience, situation and intercultural context
  • Engage diverse forms of media
  • Facilitate inclusive dialogue

ACT to integrate knowledge and practice

  • Advance justice and equity
  • Collaborate in diverse teams
  • Facilitate reciprocal and sustainable partnerships
  • Enact innovative solutions to significant problems
  • Contribute to community and civic wellness

GROW through continuous learning

  • Identify and leverage individual and collective strengths
  • Cultivate resilience and agency
  • Develop intercultural competence and critical consciousness
  • Form personal and global identities
  • Empower oneself and others

College Assessment

Implementation, assessment and continuous program improvement are an integral part of the College’s Strategic Plan. Assessment in academics and student development occurs within the learning environment, and is framed by our Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Faculty and staff anchor the assessment of student learning with the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Program (SLOAP). The College’s Institutional Learning Outcomes, adopted in 2016, and General Education Outcomes, adopted in 2018, inform the design of academic Program Learning Outcomes, academic course SLOs, and the SLOs for co-curricular and student development activities. Assessment activities do not affect a student’s grade, academic standing, ability to transfer or ability to graduate. The College considers student privacy to be of the utmost importance and takes all necessary steps to ensure the confidentiality of student records and student work reviewed through this process in accordance with FERPA regulation.

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Program (SLOAP)

In order to coordinate assessment activities at BHCC, the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Program (SLOAP) was designed and implemented by full-time faculty during the 2003-2004 academic year. The SLOAP Taskforce, currently composed of faculty and professional staff representatives from each academic and cocurricular department, oversees ongoing assessment of student learning outcomes on the course, program and institutional levels. Faculty and professional staff submit outcome development and assessment proposals to the Taskforce for approval and, once the proposed project is complete, submit a report of their findings to the Taskforce. Participants use data from SLOAP projects to improve learning where assessment projects indicate improvement is needed. All SLOAP data is maintained by individual departments and on the SLOAP ePortfolio page.

Campuses and Instructional Sites

Charlestown Campus

Built in 1973, Bunker Hill Community College’s Charlestown Campus is situated on approximately 42 acres in the historic Charlestown neighborhood of Boston. The campus is conveniently located at the MBTA Community College stop. As BHCC’s main campus, the Charlestown location features state-of-the-art classrooms, labs and other facilities for all of the College’s programs, including domestic and international business, hospitality and culinary arts, early childhood development, electronics, and computer applications.

The Charlestown Campus features the 48,000 square-foot LEED Gold Certified Health and Wellness Center constructed in 2009 under version 2.2 of the United States Green Building Council’s green building program. The Center includes the College’s Fitness Center, Gymnasium and locker rooms, which are open to all students, faculty and staff.

The Charlestown Campus also includes the College Bookstore, Food Services, and The Mary L. Fifield Art Gallery.


BHCC Bookstore

The college bookstore is operated by Follett Higher Education Group as a service to the students, faculty, and staff. The bookstore is located on the fourth floor, E-Building, and operates all year round. The bookstore offers a large selection of textbooks in a wide variety of formats: Rental, Digital, Used and New to save students money and give them choice. In addition to the bookstore’s multiple textbook options, it has everything from school supplies and reference materials to backpacks, college apparel and snacks to go.

Food Services

Thomas A. Kershaw Dining Room

Aladdin Food Services

The Thomas A. Kershaw Culinary Arts Dining room features lunch and dinner options served in a full-service dining room or to-go from the BHCC Culinary Arts program students. In addition, the campus includes a cafeteria and a café operated by Aladdin.

Chelsea Campus

Providing higher education and job training opportunities to residents of Chelsea, Revere, Everett, East Boston, Winthrop and other surrounding communities, the BHCC Chelsea Campus is actively involved in the community through partnerships with community based organizations, social service organizations, Chambers of Commerce, the City of Chelsea and the Chelsea Public Schools. Visit for more information and directions to the campus.

The Chelsea Campus offers laboratory science courses in human biology, anatomy and physiology, environmental science and nutrition, and a full array of foundation and elective courses, including mini session courses, which can be completed in just seven weeks. Accelerated certificate programs are scheduled in seven-week mini sessions allowing for completion in half the length of time. Current certificates available in this accelerated format include Early Childhood Education, Entrepreneurship, Computer Support Specialist and PC Hardware.

The Chelsea Campus Health Sciences certificate programs include Medical Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Central Processing and Pharmacy Technician. Courses are also offered in Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) and Emergency Medical Technician and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). The Paramedic Studies and Surgical Technology programs offer students an Associate in Science degree.

Several MBTA bus lines as well as the MBTA commuter rail stop within a few blocks of the campus, making it easily accessible by public transportation. The College also provides free shuttle service between the Charlestown and Chelsea Campuses. Approximately 30 designated student parking spaces are also available. The campus also includes a student lounge and easy access to a café.

Chelsea is also home to the College’s Adult Education (AE) program which offers Spanish GED and English GED (through our partner, LARE) as well as Basic English for English Language Learners (ELL)classes during the weekday, evening and on weekends. The program is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Students are also urged to check the website for the new seven-week mini sessions that allow for the completion of accelerated certificate programs.

Visit for more information and directions to the campus.

Student Services and Support

The Chelsea Campus Student Services Office is the hub where students may register for courses, complete course placement assessments and access advising. The advising staff also offers students a diverse set of workshops that support student success. The Office can be reached at 617-228-2101.

Student Access and Success Center (SASC)

The Tutoring Center offers tutoring primarily in mathematics, English, biology and more. The Center may also offer open lab time and facilitated study groups for laboratory based science classes. Assistive technology, including the Kurzweil Reading System that assists students who are visually impaired or who have reading and related learning disabilities, is available at the Center. Visit TC for hours.


The Health Skills Laboratory and the Surgical Technology and Central Processing Laboratory offer simulated settings in which students enrolled in Allied Health and Surgical Technology programs learn and practice specific required skills. A state-of-the-art Paramedic Studies Laboratory with an ambulance simulator offers a simulated setting in which students enrolled in the EMT and Paramedic Studies programs practice specific required skills.

Three science laboratories provide equipment and materials for students enrolled in lab courses delivered at the Chelsea Campus, including human biology, anatomy and physiology, environmental science and nutrition.

A large open computer lab is also available on an extended schedule, including Saturdays, for any student enrolled in a BHCC course.

Satellites and Instructional Sites

BHCC Locations

Malden Satellite

The Malden satellite is located at Malden High School, 77 Salem Street, Malden. Established in the fall of 2009, the Malden Satellite offers introductory and college level courses in the day and evening during the fall and spring semesters. Placement testing, advising and registration for these courses are conducted on the BHCC Charlestown Campus. Malden High School is accessible from the Orange Line, Malden Center transit station.

South End Satellite

The South End Satellite, operating in partnership with IBA - Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción, is located at 630 Tremont Street and is a nationally replicable model of a local community college (BHCC) working hand-in-hand with a community based organization (IBA) to establish a college campus directly in the heart of an affordable-housing community (Villa Victoria). The South End Satellite provides Boston residents with the opportunity to complete the HiSET (formerly the GED), take ESL and Basic English courses and to enroll in college-level classes. Free child care services and financial coaching are also available at this location. Prior to the beginning of each semester and throughout the year, the satellite offers a range of student services including academic support, success coaching, financial aid assistance, academic advising, placement testing and admissions and enrollment assistance.

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Instructional Site in North Quincy

Students can also enroll in a limited number of classes at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center’s Quincy site in North Quincy.

East Boston Instructional Site

The East Boston Instructional Site is located at 250 Sumner Street, East Boston. This instructional site offers a limited number of introductory and allied health courses.

Everett High School Instructional Site

BHCC students can enroll in courses in allied health at Everett High School. While a number of seats in at the Everett instructional site are reserved for Everett High School students as part of the College’s Dual Enrollment/Early College program, additional seats are open to all BHCC students.

Freedom House Instructional Site in Dorchester

BHCC partners with Freedom House, located at 5 Crawford Street in Dorchester, to offer a limited number of courses for dual enrollment students, as well as those that are open to all BHCC students.

Pao Arts Center in Chinatown Instructional Site

BHCC partners with Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) on the Pao Arts Center, an arts, culture and education space for the community to convene to preserve and celebrate the cultural and creative assets of Boston’s Chinatown. The center, housed within the distinctive One Greenway building, is Chinatown’s first community-based arts center and Boston’s newly dedicated Asian American and Asian immigrant cultural space. A range of BHCC classes are offered at the Pao Arts Center, including theater, visual and media arts and business. Students and community partners also have access to the BHCC mobile language lab at this location.

Parking and Security

Office of Public Safety and Campus Police
Charlestown: 617-228-2053
Chelsea: 617-228-3359
Emergencies: 617-228-2222

Parking. Student parking is available in Lots 1 and 2 on the Charlestown Campus, 7 days per week, from 6 a.m.-11 p.m. These lots are owned by City of Boston and managed by ABM Parking Services. A limited number of spaces are available at the Chelsea Campus for BHCC Students, marked by brown signs with white lettering that read “RESERVED BHCC Student/Sticker PARKING ONLY.” A valid parking permit is required for all student parking lots.

Students have the option to purchase a semester-long parking permit valid for Lots 1-2 on the Charlestown Campus and for designated student parking spaces on the Chelsea Campus from ABM online through ParkWhiz. Daily parking in Lots 1-2 is also available to students, faculty/staff and visitors for a daily fee, to be paid via the ParkMobile mobile app. More information and the link to purchase a parking pass is available at

Security. The Office of Public Safety and Campus Police is dedicated to protecting students, faculty, staff, visitors and property of Bunker Hill Community College. Campus Police officers are armed, sworn-in Special State Police of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As such, the department conducts itself as any other Municipal Police Department and has full arresting powers on College grounds (state laws Chapter 22C, section 63). An additional contracted security staff ensures the security of the building 24 hours a day.

Directions to BHCC Locations

For directions to BHCC’s campuses, satellite campuses and instructional sites, please refer to the information below, or visit For a map of the Charlestown Campus, visit

Charlestown Campus

250 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02129-2995
617-228-2000; TTY: 617-242-2365

H-Building - Charlestown Campus

570 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02129-2994
617-228-2000; TTY: 617-242-2365

Chelsea Campus

70 Everett Avenue
Chelsea, Massachusetts 02150-2917
617-228-2101; TTY: 617-884-3293

Malden Satellite

Malden High School
77 Salem Street
Malden, Massachusetts 02148
617-228-3319; TTY: 617-242-2365

South End Satellite

Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA)
Villa Victoria
405 Shawmut Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
617-927-1707; TTY: 617-242-2365

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Instructional Site in North Quincy

275 Hancock Street, 2nd Floor
Quincy, Massachusetts 02171

East Boston Instructional Site

250 Sumner Street and
20 Maverick Square
East Boston, Massachusetts 02128
617-568-6492; TTY: 617-242-2365

Everett High School Instructional Site

100 Elm Street
Everett, Massachusetts 02149

Freedom House Instructional Site

in Dorchester
5 Crawford Street
Dorchester, Massachusetts

Pao Arts Center in Chinatown

99 Albany Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111