Mar 31, 2025
College Catalog 2025 - 2026
Criminal Justice Transfer Option, A.S.
The mission of the Criminal Justice Program is to prepare students for employment in various criminal justice related areas and/or for pursuit of Baccalaureate Degrees in criminal justice or other related fields of study by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge and practices of the field.
* Milestone Courses should be taken in the order shown. This will help you stay on track and graduate on time.
Total Credits: 15
Semester 1 Advising Note - New degree-seeking students enrolled in 9 credits or more must take a Learning Community Seminar or a Learning Community Cluster within their first year.
Total Credits: 15-16
Semester 2 Advising Note - Begin exploring transfer options: attend a transfer workshop and the College transfer fair.
- Meet with an advisor to begin career planning activities.
Total Credits: 16
Semester 3 Advising Note - Continue preparations for transfer: write essays for transfer institution, collect letters of recommendation, apply for transfer.
- Complete a pre-graduation check with an advisor in LifeMap
Total Credits: 16
Semester 4 Advising Note Upon Completion of This Concentration Graduates Will Be Able To:
- Demonstrate knowledge, defend and critique the structure of the criminal justice system.
- Identify, demonstrate and evaluate knowledge of corrections, including its purpose and function.
- Explain the history and critique major theories of why crime is committed with a focus on criminal behavior.
- Identify and demonstrate knowledge of Courts including its purpose and function, be able to accurately discuss and relate criminal law and procedure and its constitutional basis.
- Identify and demonstrate knowledge of policing including its purpose and function, describe and assess the general responsibilities of the criminal justice professional including the professional’s responsibilities and governing ethics.
- Articulate and critique the role of data and research in the development of criminal justice and policy.
Career Outlook
Graduates that complete the Transfer Option can transfer to four-year colleges and universities to seek a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field. Graduates who complete the Law Enforcement or Corrections Tracks qualify for entry level positions in law enforcement, corrections or security at local, state, regional and federal agencies. Transfer Options
Transfer Advising Guides - Bridgewater State University
- Fitchburg State University
- Salem State University
- Westfield State University
- Worcester State University
- University of Massachusetts Boston
- University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- University of Massachusetts Lowell